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Saturday, March 14, 2009 

Tips For Avoiding Mortgage Mistakes

Buying your very own house is always a very momentous occasion. You can get very excited which often results to carelessness. Oftentimes, people who get their very first mortgage make too many mistakes. These include buying houses one cannot really afford, being house poor, and getting mortgages with very high interest rates.

In looking for your very first home, you should always avoid mistakes in mortgaging. Such mistakes can be very expensive, running to thousands of dollars, and cannot be easily fixed. A mistake may drag on for years before it can be fixed, if it can be fixed at all. As such, here are some tips that to consider to avoid mistakes in mortgaging.

Examine Your Financial Capability

Before you get your first mortgage, be sure you are financially capable of buying a house. Note that mortgages are long term financial commitments involving heavy doses of monthly house bills.

To determine if you are really capable of buying your house, check your monthly budget first. Analyze your income to expense ratio. Be sure you list down all your regular and expected monthly expenses. Also, make allowances for contingency expenses, such as medical emergencies, car repairs, etc. Always provide an amount for desired monthly savings. Add these all up and compare the total to your expected monthly income. Are you well covered? You are only capable of getting a mortgage if your monthly income exceeds your total monthly expenses by at least twenty-five per cent (25%).

Determine Your Target Monthly House Payment

Once you have computed your income to expense ratio, determine how much monthly house payment you can actually afford. You have to ask real estate agents or mortgaging companies about the average monthly home mortgage payments. Do not forget asking about real estate taxes, mortgage insurance (if applicable), and homeowner insurance. Always factor in allowances for home repairs and refinishing.

Analyze the Pros and Cons of Getting a House

Once you have a good grip of the expected expenses for home mortgages, reassess your plan to buy your own home. Carefully examine the pros and cons of buying your very own home. Meticulously compare the costs of buying and maintaining a new home and those of just renting one. Also, examine the amount of rent as it relates to the monthly house payment, house repair, and other related expenses. Consider also the prospect of having your very own house as just an investment. Ask yourself if you really are capable of getting your own house? Do you really want one?

Check Your Credit Report

Now, if you opt to buy a house because you are convinced that you are ready, check your credit report. Make sure that everything written in it is accurate and complete. Any incorrect information may adversely affect your mortgage approval.

In case you have a bad credit history, such will adversely affect your ability to get a mortgage. If you are lucky to get a mortgage, it will likely be one with a very high interest rate. If you have a very low credit score, consider getting a mortgage some other time.

Real Claims and Consumer Credit Claims are a group of solicitors dedicated to miss sold loans and payment protection insurance.

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